Thursday, August 25, 2011

hello california

Hello again,
Pastel green leaves
Powder blue cloudless skies
Free parking, vast choices
Sparse restaurants, cheap fuel
Jetskis pulled by an SUV
Blond boarders tanned
Leaves circling in the hollows of wind
A sea of bikes yet no sidewalks
Invites, Evites, soundbites, obedient dogs
I see you

Hello again,
Spanish voices
Throaty engine basslines
Tweeting seagulls and wispy currents
Slow train and long klaxon
VC talk and Apple chatter
I hear you

Hello again,
Chilly nights, sweet western fragrance
Lily blooms and asphalt melt
Refried beans and classic coffee
Quiet woods and startup engines
I feel you

I'm home.