Saturday, November 8, 2008

So, what's it like to be back?

An historic election, an excited team, a gloomy recession, a menu of wind and sun, a move to another office, an intense spate of hiring. That's what it's like to be back!

I spent a week getting over the jetlag (Going to bed at 9pm, waking up at 4am feeling exhausted), but people around me had no time to wait: there was just too much going on.

In the space of 2 short weeks:

1. America has elected Mr Obama. No news yet on T's nomination, though it seems to be on the cards. At least from what the media report, the country seems to be doing better. I remember the last time I experienced such euphoria was in 1997, when the British Cricket Team started winning their test matches, and everyone wore a smile. For a few years at least...
2. We are hiring a Product Manager, Senior Engineer and TS/Operations Manager
3. We are moving office, with all the planning that comes with it...
4. We are having our Xpree Got Funded party on Nov 15. Our angel investors, Stewart, and all our friends are coming.
5. I am changing. I am throwing away things about myself that I don't like, and attempting to re-invent myself.

We are finally free.

Here's the fun part (as Vahe would say): driving to work or going out to run, I keep on groping for my camera, hoping to snap whatever I find interesting for this blog. But I'm at home now, and a tourist no more.

Here are some learnings from my trip:

Smile at everyone. You're a visitor. People like happy visitors.
Listen more than you talk.
Spend time with children. Ask them what they like, and what their friends like. Ask them about their favourite stories. Don't try and teach them new tricks. Until they trust you. Wait up to a year for this, and you'll know when they ask you.
Spend time with people who were good to you in the past. Remind them of this.

When flying long distances, take daytime flights. Night flights will damage your stamina.
When flying anywhere, exercise vigorously on the morning of your flight. It's good for your circulation and will help you endure the flight.
When flying anywhere, share your food with the people sitting next to you. You never know who might be sitting next to you.
Don't travel business class. Real leaders travel Economy. Look, and you shall meet them.
Be prepared to find your new best friends on a flight. I did.
Don't yell at check in staff. It makes them feel even worse about their jobs, which they already feel bad about. Smile, and praise them. They'll do you whatever favours they can for you.
Buy your favourite foods before you fly and take them on board. Ask for some fresh fruit and water from the cabin staff, but refuse their cooked meals.
Don't drink coffee, tea or alcohol on board. You'll be dehydrated for days. Drink these (if you must) in your own home.
Bring your own earplugs. Forget the gimmicky $200 Bose noise-cancelling headset. 20 cent foam earplugs are much better.
Use your flight to think about your life. Forget reading, writing and working on your computer. You can do these when you're more productive on the ground.

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